L.A. Alpha Xi Delta Alumnae Association!

The Los Angeles Alpha Xi Delta Alumnae Association provides friendship, support, and fun opportunities to sisters living in and around the LA area. Our events range from fabulous wine tastings to fun an charitable philanthropies. Membership is open to all initiated Alpha Xi Delta alumnae living in the area.

Benefits of Membership Include:
Make new friends and meet new sisters--especially great for those new to the area!
Expand your personal and professional network.
Have fun and try new things-restaurants, bars, spas, recipes, hikes,classes, etc.-with a group of fun women!
Continue your lifetime membership as an Alpha Xi Delta.

How do you join our association? It's easy! Annual dues are $60 per calendar year.

Right now, we have a Summer Special Dues Price of $50!

- Your dues to the National Fraternity ($20 per member)
- Your dues to LA Alumnae Panhellenic
- Support Autism Speaks (AXiD's National Philanthropy)
- Support local chapters
- Send delegate to National Convention
- Administrative costs to keep the association running
- Offset member costs for events and more!

Because we are financially independent of the National Fraternity your dues also help us put on wonderful events that you will attend at a discounted rate or for free!

Send Dues Checks to:
Janis Rosebrook
*Make out to Alpha Xi Delta
Email Alphaxideltalosangelesalums@gmail.com for the mail to address :)

Or Use PayPal:

(Friends and Family Option)

Or Use Venmo:

BetXi Bear @ AXiD_LA_ALUMS

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Meet a New Sister...

Meet Mirai!!

We had a secret ceremony at our last Holiday party to announce a special sister's engagement and now she's happily married after a gorgeous ceremony on a hot air balloon!  The weather wasn't clear enough to take off during the wedding so they stayed tethered to the ground, and Mirai's Mother thought that was a hilarious metaphor for marriage.  Good thing Dean and Mirai are good sports!  The fun is not over, as they still have receptions in Pennsylvania, Malaysia, Singapore, and Tokyo.  All in all Mirai will wear her dress 5 times!

A fabulously talented actress, Mirai has done a variety of great work in LA, including an intense interactive media experience called Killcam:Live where she was locked in a room for three days while audience members chatted with her online and waited to see how her character would be killed! (Crazy, right?!  Ask her about it!)

She was Born in Japan and raised in Singapore, then went to school at Elon University in NC where she remembers watching the Alpha Xi Delta house literally shake during recruitment from all the stomping and clapping.  She felt a big YES to belonging right there, and we're so glad she did!  She loved her days on campus, but has been even more involved as an alumni in LA.  Her favorite events have been the Sound of Music Sing-a-long and the cookie decorating holiday party.

Mirai is coordinating the summer event, the Beach Potluck in Santa Monica, so be sure to look for her beautiful face and brilliant smile there.  You won't want to miss the chance to hang with such a fun, radiant and beloved sister.